Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Assisted Recycling and Garbage Application

The Town of Aurora recognizes that some residents may require special consideration with respect to the collection of recycling and garbage material. If you are unable to place your recycling or garbage material at the curb, or require additional collection for dialysis waste you may qualify for the Town of Aurora’s assisted collection service.This form is to be completed by the Aurora resident(s) residing at the address stated below, the residents’  physician and returned to the Town of Aurora

Nature of the Disability

Permanent Disability
Services Required

I/we acknowledge and certify that:

  1. My/our medical condition is such that I/we am/are unable to carry recycling or garbage material to the curb for collection.
  2. No other person resides at the above address who is capable to place out the material.
  3. No other person (a friend, a relative or a contractor) is available to place out the material.
  4. Additional bags requested are to be used strictly for dialysis waste
  5. I/we will notify Waste & Environmental Management Dept, if any of the above conditions change.
  6. I/we understand that the designated collection point(s) must be complied with.

Note: if this application is approved, it will be subject to an annual review and the service may be terminated if the above conditions no longer apply.


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