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Extreme Weather Conditions and Emergencies
Special Events
Aurora is a vibrant, family-friendly community with awesome events for residents and visitors to enjoy.
Aurora Cultural Precinct
Learn about the Aurora Cultural Precinct.
Council and Committees
Complete this form if you are authorizing someone else to act on your behalf in relation to a Penalty Notice. I/we, the undersigned, am the registered owner(s) of the vehicle bearing Plate Number:
I/we hereby authorize the following person to act and appear for me as my agent in the matters pertaining to the following Penalty Notice(s):
I/we authorize the agent to act on my behalf in relation to the above Penalty Notice(s) and to enter an agreement to any penalty or resolution the agent deems appropriate toward a conclusion of this matter.
I/we am aware that if there is an administrative penalty and/or administrative fees to be paid after the Screening Review or Hearing Review, the ultimate responsibility to pay these amounts rests with me.
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